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Master of Arts (English) (MAEG)

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Programme Name : Master of Arts (English)
Programme Code : MAEG
Eligibility : Graduation
Minimum Duration : 2 Years
Maximum Duration : 4 Years
Programme Fee : ₹ 5900/- (per year)
Medium of Study : English
Programme Coordinator
Name : Mr. Rajendra Kumar Padhi
Email Id :
Phone No. : 7978320110
Syllabus : Download Syllabus
Programme Details
Programme Project Report (PPR):
Programme objectives:
  • To develop proficiency in English Language.
  • To impart  post graduate-level education in english literature so as to enhance the ability to use current theoretical approaches to literary study.
  • To provide advanced English literature and knowledge, perspectives and skills to a wide cross section of learners, including those in remote and inaccessible area of the state.
  • To synthesize learners for a wide understanding of literary characteristics, themes, and/or approaches in several literary texts.
  • To give the learners a sound understanding of English and American literatures and also other new areas in literature such as, Canadian, Australian and Indian English.
  • The pre-requisite of the programme is to equip learners with a good knowledge of reading, comprehension and writing skills
Programme outcomes:
After completing the course: ,
  • Learner will have fair understanding detailing the development and current practices of literary studies, rhetoric etc
  • Will be able to describe rhetoric contextually and comparatively and/or to historicize and theorize emerging forms of composition and expression.
  • Will demonstrate critical and analytical skills in the interpretation and evaluation of literary texts.
  • A learner will have the ability to demonstrate command over written  english, including the abilities to organize and present material proficiently.
  • Students will gain further research, writing, and analytical skills to be utilized in their future professional and academic endeavors.
  • Students will   have career opportunities in Journalism, Interpreter, Advertising, Instructional Designing, Linguistics, Editors.
Highlights of the Programme:
Duration of the Course – Minimum: 2 years, Maximum: 4years.
Conduct of Classes: Weekend for 4 hours (preferably on Sundays)
Eligiblity Criteria: Graduation or +3 Pass in any discipline
Evaluation– Based on Assignments , Term End Examinations .
Target Group:
  • The graduate learners of any discipline who want to improve their proficiency in English language and, those who have a genuine interest in literature.
  • The learners who have a keen interest for the language and look forward for career prospect in it.
The Course shall be taught through the interactive, Self-guided Learning Materials, OERs as reference materials, Week-end Counseling Classes, Video Lectures.
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