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Department of Computer Science


  • To be one of the nation’s leaders in Computer Science education and research by imparting high-quality technical training and in-depth knowledge in the field of Computer Science, Cyber Security and Privacy.
  • To give emphasis on skill-based vocational add-on courses for promoting employment opportunities in the field of Cyber Security and Computer Applications.
  • To ensure the use of ICT in every industry, including higher education, business, agriculture, and healthcare.
  • To become a centre of excellence in nurturing the quality Computer Science & Engineering professionals embedded with software knowledge, aptitude for research and ethical values to cater to the needs of industry and society.


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is committed:
  • To create, share, and apply knowledge in Computer Science and Cyber Security for the benefit of society.
  • To increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Computer Literacy in the State.
  • To develop the students to become a Software Professionals, Researchers and Entrepreneurs by offering cutting-edge laboratories.
  • To create University-Industry interface
  • Impart students top-notch professional training so they may become experts in cutting-edge software and technologies and meet the market's current demands.
  • Prepare students for full and ethical participation in a diverse society and encourage lifelong learning
  • Educate students industry best practises and incorporate current research into the curriculum


  • An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in high-level programming languages and operating systems
  • To gain insight into the importance of cyber security and the integral role of cyber security professionals to develop a high level of professional ethics.
  • To explore foundational cyber security principles, security architecture, attacks, incidents, and emerging IT Security Technologies.
  • To be familiar with key terms and concepts in cyber law, Security Standards, intellectual property rights and Acts on IT Security.
  • To be able to understand principles of web application security and network security.


The department of Computer Sciences aims to prepare students for graduate study in a specialized area of computer science, for employment in business, industry, or government, and to offer support courses for students majoring in engineering, mathematics, or other disciplines that call for computer skills. As a consequence, we stress the following:
  • A student can only apply the knowledge they have learned in the classroom to new settings if they are aware of these principles.
  • A simply theoretical understanding is inadequate. Writing Computer Programmes is a requirement for every course in our curriculum. The student will work with a range of hardware, operating systems, and programming languages.
Remain Up to date is a crucial component of professionalism, especially in an area like computer science where change happens so quickly. Students are urged to study scholarly publications, join and participate in professional societies, and to develop the ability to learn on their own. Education does not end on graduation day; it must continue into the future.

Programmes offered

  • Master Degree
    • Master of Science (Cyber Security)
Online Admission 2024-25
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