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Debate (Hindi/Odia/English) competition celebrating "Spirit of Odisha- Hockey World Cup- 2023" on 16th Nov 2022

OSOU is conducting a Debate (Hindi/Odia/English) competition celebrating "Spirit of Odisha- Hockey World Cup- 2023" for the learners to commemorate our National game 'Hockey'. 
Date: 16.11.2022
Mode: Online
Time: 11:00 am onwards 
Interested learners are hereby instructed to register themselves by filling the form given below: 
After registering, the participants will be provided with a 'Google Meet' link along with a set of instructions relating to the debate. Participants are requested to join through the 'Google Meet' link on the date and time mentioned above and the topic will be shared 15 mins ahead of the competition. 
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