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Sciences and Technology

In the field of Science and Technology, Odisha State Open University proposes to offer Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Science and Diploma and Certificates in applied science subjects like Geophysics, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Science, Biodiversity, Climate change, Teaching of Mathematics at Primary Schools, Teaching of Science, Pollution Control, Sustainable Development and Geo-informatics, Remote Sensing.

In the area of Technology the University will offer Certificate level courses in collaboration of the Industry in sectors like Construction Management, Power Distribution, Automobiles, Industrial Safety, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Water Resources Management, Solar Energy Conservation and Distribution, and Industrial Management.

Programme design and delivery in the field of Science and Technology through open and distance learning methods is a challenging task. Besides course material, hands-on practice is to be provided to students in well equipped laboratories for science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geology, Geography. For delivery of programmes in science disciplines the laboratories of the colleges and universities will be used by students of the Open University on holidays, summer and winter vacations when laboratories in these institutions of higher learning remains unutilized. Open University will bear the operational cost for utilizing such facilities. Services of teachers and lab assistants will be utilized on payment of honorarium.

In the field of technology, the target group will be untrained employees of the industries and those having the potential and qualification for employment in the industrial sector. Industry-University interface is essential. University can help the Industry in bridging the demand-supply gap. Support from the Industry is required in design, development and delivery of academic programmes. Industry will bear the financial cost and University will support in evaluation and certification.

Admission in programmes related to Science and Technology will be offered from the academic session starting from July 2016 with Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Certificate programmes in Technology in selected sectors.

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